How to Dissolve a painful feeling.
Allow the 'painful feeling' to lead you to wherever it wants to take you... Yes, it can be a bit scary but it won't kill you and it will set you FREE from the painful feeling if you simply witness, watch, observe where the painful feeling is taking you..
Another way of witnessing a painful feeling is to ask it questions. Here's an example of a spontaneous dialogue that unfolds when you ask a painful feeling questions. Of course, your session with your painful feeling will be different than the example I am sharing with you that a woman friend shared with me.
(This dialogue was between a woman and a physical and emotional pain she
had experienced for years that she could not dissolve. Her name has been
removed from the dialogue to protect her privacy.)
YOU: Where are you taking me?
PF (Painful Feeling): To the land of powerlessness and guilt.
YOU: Why?
PF: It is how I control your life and stop you from being you.
YOU: Why do you want to stop me from being me?
PF: If I can't be myself, you can't be yourself.
YOU: You are a feeling, what do you mean you can't be yourself.
PF: I am not a feeling...
YOU: Who are you?
PF: A voice from your past, your mother.
YOU: What?? My mother??
PF: Of course, I am the one who always made it a point to make you feel bad when you wanted to be you..
YOU: Why would you do that?
PF: Because being yourself is not good for you
YOU: Who said so?
PF: I did, your mother...
YOU: Why would you do that to me.. I thought you loved me...
PF: I do love you the only way I can love you and that is to stop you from doing what you want to do, stop you from being you.
YOU: It makes me unhappy that you stop me from doing what I want to do.
PF: Well I'm unhappy and I'm your mother and if I can't be happy, why should you be happy?
The dialogue continued on. With each passing moment the painful feeling became less and less painful. The understanding that came out of having a dialogue with her painful feeling filled this woman with love and compassion for her mother because she connected with the source of her painful feeling and understood it. The moment she did, it the painful feeling disappeared never to return again...
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Non-Acceptance Feeds The Pain-Body
The non-acceptance of anything feeds and nourishes the pain-body. In order for the pain-body to continue to exist within your body as 'trapped energy," it feeds on the pain your mind creates any time you don't accept, in the moment, 'what is.' When, in the moment, you don't accept 'what is' you create pain for yourself that gives the pain-body more power in your life.
Interesting thing about non-acceptance is this. If you don't accept, in the moment 'what is,', it will persist into the next moment of your life, and the one after that and the one after that, etc., etc.. In other words the longer you resist 'what is,' the longer what you don't like will continue to persist in your life..
Acceptance is about accepting in the moment 'what is,' without judgments.. The moment you make any negative judgments about 'what is,' you are no longer accepting 'what is,' you are resisting it.
For example, the non-acceptance, in the moment, that you are fat, makes fat persist in your life. The non-acceptance you have no one in your life to love makes the lack of someone in your life to love persist. The non-accept that you are sick, makes the sickness persist. The non-acceptance, in the moment, that you don't have enough money to pay your bills, makes not having enough money to pay your bills persist.
Deeply and completely accepting 'what is' in the moment can either make you feel powerless and depressed or it can liberate you from those feelings and free you up so you can go play and live your life with as much happiness and joy as you can handle.
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More About the Pain-Body
From Eckhart Tolle - Power of NOW
The greater part of human pain is unnecessary.
It is self-created as long as the unobserved mind runs your life.
The pain that you create now is always some form of non-acceptance, some form of unconscious resistance to what is. On the level of thought, the resistance is some form of judgment. On the emotional level, it is some form of negativity. The intensity of the pain depends on the degree of resistance to the present moment, and this in turn depends on how strongly you are identified with your mind. The mind always seeks to deny the Now and to escape from it. In other words, the more you are identified with your mind, the more you suffer. Or you may put it like this: the more you are able to honor and accept the Now, the more you are free of pain, of suffering – and free of the egoic mind…
In a fully functional organism, an emotion has a very short life span. It is like a momentary ripple or wave on the surface of your Being. When you are not in your body, however, an emotion can survive inside you for days or weeks, or join with other emotions of a similar frequency that have merged and become the pain-body, a parasite that can live inside you for years, feeds on your energy, lead to physical illness, and make your life miserable.
So place your attention on feeling the emotion, and check whether your mind is holding on to a grievance pattern such as blame, self-pity, or resentment that is feeding the emotion. If that is the case, it means that you haven’t forgiven. Non-forgiveness is often toward another person or yourself, but it may just as well be toward any situation or condition – past, present, or future – that your mind refuses to accept. Yes, there can be non-forgiveness even with regard to the future. This is the mind’s refusal to accept uncertainty, to accept that the future is ultimately beyond its control. Forgiveness is to relinquish your grievance and so to let go of grief. It happens naturally once you realize that your grievance serves no purpose except to strengthen a false sense of self. Forgiveness is to offer no resistance to life – to allow life to live through you. The alternatives are pain and suffering, a greatly restricted flow of life energy, and in many cases physical disease.
The pain-body has an extremely powerful energetic charge that can easily pull you into unconscious identification with it. You are then actively possessed by an energy field that occupies your inner space and pretends to be you – but, of course, is not you at all. It speaks through you, acts through you, thinks through you. It will create negative situations in your life so that it can feed on the energy. It wants more pain, in whatever form. It is pure pain, past pain – and it is not you.
The first thing to remember is this: As long as you make an identity for yourself out of the pain, you cannot become free of it. As long as part of your sense of self is invested in your emotional pain, you will unconsciously resist or sabotage every attempt that you make to heal that pain. Why? Quite simply because you want to keep yourself intact, and the pain has become an essential part of you. This is an unconscious process, and the only way to overcome it is to make it conscious.
To suddenly see that you are or have been attached to your pain can be quite a shocking realization. The moment you realize this, you have broken the attachment. The pain-body is an energy field, almost like an entity, that has become temporarily lodged in your inner space. It is life energy that has become trapped, energy that is no longer flowing. Of course, the pain-body is there because of certain things that happened in the past. It is the living past in you, and if you identify with it, you identify with the past. A victim identity is the belief that the past is more powerful than the present, which is the opposite of the truth. It is the belief that other people and what they did to you are responsible for who you are now, for your emotional pain or your inability to be your true self. The truth is that the only power there is is contained within this moment: It is the power of your presence. Once you know that, you also realize that you are responsible for your inner space now – nobody else is – and that the past cannot prevail against the power of the Now.
-- Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
Releasing the Pain-Body I
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Pain-Body and Self-Doubt.
The source of self-doubt is your pain-body. The moment it can make you doubt or second guess yourself in any way that is your pain-body is trying to take control of your mind and make you feel bad. In the most severe cases, the pain-body causes people to go postal and kill other people..
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The pain-body described another way
The pain-body, described another way, is nothing more than a collection of painful memories from your past that you keep alive in your present moments of living by replaying them over and over again in your mind. When you replay painful memories from your past, over and over again, they become troublesome, automatic, habits of thought. These habit of thoughts then operate in the background of your mind outside your conscious control sabotaging your best efforts to live the life you want to live today.
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In your Presence the Pain-Body Dissolves
When you are aware that your pain-body is active and trying to run your life, the power it has over you begins to dissolve. The power of the pain-body persists as long as it can remain invisible to you. However, when it is exposed to the light of your conscious mind, it automatically begins the process of dissolving.
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The Tricks of the Pain-Body
The pain-body has many tricks so you don't recognize it as a quasi entity living in your body outside your conscious control. Here is a partial lists of tricks your pain-body will pull on you so it remains invisible to you therefore not real to you. When you get close to the discovering the reality of your own pain-body,
1. It convinces you that all your negative thought are your fault.
2. it makes you sleepy.
3. It makes you want to eat comfort food.
4. It makes you think your are physically sick when you are not.
5. It makes you feel restless, apathetic and bored.
6. It make you behave badly.
7. It makes you have sex for relief rather than enjoyment.
8. It make you feel guilty for no good reason all at all.
9. It makes you live in your head rather than your spirit.
10. It makes you want to sedate your feeling with drugs, cigarettes or booze.
10. It makes you think this pain-body stuff I am sharing with you is bullshit.
Until you dissolve the power of the pain-body living inside of you, it is the master of your life
and your are its unwitting servant.
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Be Vigilant of your Pain-Body
The reason to be vigilant of your pain-body is because part of its power comes from being able to cause you pain when you least expect it. It does this through the pain-body of the other people in your life. The pain-body does not like seeing people happy. In fact, it resent it because when a person is happy, the pain-body within that person is dormant. If you are in the presence of a person's whose pain-body is active, they will consciously or unconsciously try to upset or make you unhappy in some way. They will do this so that they can feed on your unhappiness as a way of making their pain-body stronger. When a person, for no good reason at all, rains on your parade, that is a person whose pain-body is feeding off your unhappiness (pain) as a way of making their pain-body stronger.
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Thinking Negative Feeds The Pain-Body
The pain-body in order to survive as a quasi entity in your body need negative thoughts, especially painful negative thoughts. It feeds on them and receive its power from them. With this power, the pain-body can convince you that you are the most worthless piece of garbage that ever lived. The pain-body can depress you and put you into a state of despair, it can even make you feel suicidal. Whether you fully understand the pain-body or not, it existence is real and its ability to make you miserable and sabotage your best efforts to create the life you want is also real. It's only by understanding and recognizing the existence of the pain-body within your body that you can you dissolve the pain-body and render it harmless.
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Negative Thoughts and the Pain-Body
The pain-body causes you to think negative thoughts, not you. If you could understand that it is the pain-body entity that lives in you that creates the negative thoughts that pass through your mind and not you, how freeing and liberating that would be.
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The Stages of Pain
The first stage is mental pain, if left untreated, it moves to the second stage, which is emotional pain. If that stage is left untreated, it moves to the third stage, which is physical pain. If that stage is left untreated, your physical pain will increase and you will become disabled.
If the physical pain is treated but the cause of your physical pain is not treated, which are your thoughts that caused the pain in the first place, you will die before your time.
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#102 - How you activate the Pain-Body
The pain-body entity that lives inside of you feeds on pain.. If you don't feed it pain by the thoughts you think, you would not activate the pain-body to cause you discomfort in any way
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#103 - Insight into the Pain-Body
The pain-body exists only as long as it remains invisible to you. The moment you recognized the pain-body as trapped energy inside you, it can no longer masquerade as you and make your life miserable..
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Why does the pain in my body rule my life?
Question: Why does the pain in my body rule my life and stop me from having what I want?
Answer: It stops you from having what you want because you have made the pain-body that lives inside you, your enemy. And that's what enemies do, they stop you from having what you want. Because you believe pain is your enemy, you feed the pain-body ENORMOUS POWER with your negative thoughts about your pain and that makes it stronger and gives it control over your life thus stopping you from making the law of attraction, work in your favor, effortlessly...
Instead of making the pain-body your enemy, FEEL WHAT YOU FEEL without judging what you feel in any way. When you do that the pain-body will loosen it grip on you and begin turning your trapped energy into free energy the will make you feel more vital and alive than you did before.
How can I dissolve my pain/body?
The quickest way to dissolve the pain-body is to observe it when it's active. This simple act of observation will begin the process of your pain-body melting away from your life naturally without any effort on your part required. Anything else you do such as fighting with it, resisting it or denying its existence will give it more power over you.
I never argue with my pain-body when it is active but I do tell it what I think about it and command it to leave me alone and it does. The pain-body is trapped energy in your body. It is trapped emotional energy unexpressed since childhood that has taken on a life of its own until you you become the master of that trapped energy and dissolve it.
Purpose of Pain...
The purpose of pain is to get us to fully express ourselves but since we don't know how to fully express ourselves we depress ourselves. How can we express the negatives things we feel inside ourselves with heartfelt honesty when we are afraid to express them out of fear of being censured or disapproved of by others. It takes courage to express and release the negative thoughts and feeling we have. It can be done, it must be done if we want to be free of the pain that stops us from living the life we want.
Instead of cursing your pain, use your pain as an ALERT signal to change your thoughts so you can become pain-free. Please view the video The End of Suffering By Eckhart Tolle
Pain is a Communication.
Pain is your body letting your mind know that there is a part of you that is not happy with something in your life.... Not only are you not happy but you feel hopeless and powerless to do anything about what you are not happy about. As a result, you tolerate and put up with your pain rather than using your pain to inspire and motivate you to make changes in your life that will set you free from pain.
A Psychotherapist describes The Pain-Body
Saleem Rana got his masters in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, Ca., 15 years ago and now resides in Denver, Colorado. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world.
Saleem Rana Web Site Update: http://www.theempoweredsoul.com/blog/wordpress/free-gift/
A Psychotherapist describes The Pain-Body
Copyright 2005 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article from Saleem Rana.
First, there is the field of complete consciousness.
This then expresses itself in an organic form.
From here it loses itself in organizing the physical environment around it.
It begins to split into mind, and mind then splits into ego, and ego then believes itself the origin of consciousness.
As ego, arising from thoughts of limitations, fractures itself against obstacles, it develops what Eckhart Tolle calls the pain-body.
The pain-body then becomes an unconscious entity within. It seeks to feed on pain to survive. It makes a person feel pain and it causes this person to inflict pain on others.
After the pain-body strikes out, it tends to propagate. Soon armies are formed and war propagated. Mind itself now works in service to the pain-body.
The past two world wars are an expression of the pain-body in complete domination.
Release from the pain-body comes from observing the mind; observing how it takes a feeling, becomes identified completely with it, and thinks and acts out that feeling.
This witnessing is separation from the pain-body, disidentifying from it. When this happens, the light of awareness begins to dissolve the pain. One sees this shadow entity for what it is, an accumulation of past hurts, an expression of renegade life-force particles.
Witnessing is recognizing the self to be other than egoic mental and emotional turbulence. It is a return to recognition of the awareness that propagates thinking, which is a small part of consciousness.
Witnessing is placing the conscious in the moment and observing it express itself through mentation.
Recognizing oneself as the author of mind and not the outcome of mind removes the automation that goes along with a belief in determinism, which in turn arises because of the belief that mind arises out of matter.
This is the movement referred to as spirituality, and it is a movement toward wholeness.
Spirituality itself can be confusing because of the elaborate expressions on what it is; but, in its essence, it is an attempt to return to wholeness.
Wholeness, it will be discovered, cannot be fragmented.
Wholeness is a return to identification with the origin of creation; a return to contemplation of the field of consciousness itself; a return to what is referred to as God, Beingness, or Spirit.
Our journey in life is a journey toward freedom, identifying with what it real, which arises from pure subjectivity, the implicate order. Our entrapment in the explicate order is by virtue of unconsciousness about the pain-body.
What is the Pain-Body?
The pain-body is that part of you that stops you from having what you want by creating pain in your body and making you think you are doing something wrong or are not deserving of what you want.
The pain/body is 'trapped emotional energy' that continues living on inside your body after an emotional incident happened where you squashed or denied expressing your true feelings at the time the event took place. Squashing your feelings or denying yourself the right to express your true feelings is something you did to survive during your growing up years, a practice you have carried over into your adult life. This action is what created the pain/body that lives inside you today outside your conscious control.
Every time you suppressed a feeling during your growing up years, you unwittingly, were using the energy in that feeling to create the pain/body that torments you today and makes you suffer, needlessly, beyond your conscious control..